In Community

Jesus said, ”Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

-Matthew 25:40

Serve in our Community

We believe we look most like Jesus when we serve. We regularly leave the building to go be the church in the community by serving and loving others. Every second Saturday of the month, we have the opportunity to serve like Jesus. There are a variety of projects throughout the year for all ages.

WE Serve Weeks

WE love to worship God by serving our city!

Every year, hundreds of people give thousands of hours serving at schools, non-profits, parks — wherever there is a need!

WE will be serving our city over the course of a few weeks. Our service projects will be spread out and available at different dates and times to hopefully accomodate all schedules. Before signing up, be sure to read the description to determine what project will be best for you and/or your family.

WE Serve Saturday Schedule

Join The WE Serve Team!

Are you passionate about serving in the community and want to be a WE Serve Saturday regular? Sign up to join our WE Serve Saturday Team. This team will receive updates when new serving events are scheduled. If you are excited about a specific event, you will have the opportunity to serve as a site leader for that Saturday. Fill out the information form below to be added to the team!