Care Ministry

Jesus spent much of his time caring for people: the sinners, the sick, and the hurting. He encouraged his disciples to do the same. WE strive to provide support for individuals who need support or care amid life’s struggles.

Those Who Need...

An Advocate

We are created to live in community with each other. Community is most essential when life is difficult and challenging. If you would like a trained and compassionate advocate to walk through a season of life with you, email us today to get involved. Our team is excited to get to know you!


Through the generosity of our people, The Water’s Edge is able to offer one-time financial gifts to people who find themselves in need. Gifts are available only after other community resources have been exhausted. Note: gifts are never made directly to individuals, rather to landlords, utility companies, gas stations, etc. To donate to our Helping Hands Fund or to request assistance, email our team now.

Pastoral Care in Emergencies

Sometimes in life and in death, a pastor is needed. Should you have an emergency and need to speak to a pastor, call the church office at (402) 952-4473. During the evenings and weekends, call the same number and you will receive instructions on how to contact a pastor.

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