Next Steps

Welcome to The Water's Edge!

We are so glad you’re here. We would love to get to know you better, hear your story, and help you connect with God and others.

Starting Point

If you are ready to get to know us better and find your place – start here! Join us at a Starting Point lunch after worship.

At Starting Point, you will:

  • Enjoy lunch with Pastor Craig and other ministry leaders
    • Kids and Youth will get to meet Pastor Jason and Chad
    • Learn about opportunities to connect, grow, and serve
    • Ask any questions!

Kids are more than welcome to join us. Free childcare will also be available if they’d rather play after lunch. Starting Point will meet in the Community Room.

WE Explore

Membership Class

We know you have gifts and experiences that can make us a better church. If you’re ready to explore membership at The Water’s Edge, join us for our WE Explore Membership Class.

The two-hour class is divided into two sections:
WE Believe – We will discuss our theology and the history of The Water’s Edge.
WE Connect – We will explore all the opportunities to connect with God and others at The Water’s Edge.

Free childcare will be available for all ages. Light snacks and drinks will be provided. WE Explore classes will meet in the Community Room.

Questions? Contact Pastor Leandra

Get Started!

Check out these next steps to continue your journey with us.