Prayer Path

Plant a seed. Receive its blessings.

Our Vision:

To be a space where people can grow in their relationship with God and others while enjoying creation and being outside. 

People experience God differently. For many, it happens outside, in nature. For others, it is when they are moving. And for others, it occurs when they have opportunities to reflect. The prayer path will give people in West Omaha and beyond a space to grow closer to God. It will also create new friendships and enhance existing relationships—for people who walk the prayer path together and volunteers who care for the gardens.

Our mission statement is taken from the Great Commandment of Jesus: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself.
-Matthew 22:37-39

The prayer path helps us accomplish both of these commands.

The prayer path is a quarter mile long. Near the beginning of the path is a large sculpture of the world. The participant starts where they are and gradually journeys to the cross. The trail continues toward the volleyball courts. A dozen benches will be on the path in strategic locations to give participants opportunities to pray, reflect, and be silent. For participants taking the journey together, the benches provide opportunities for conversation and prayer. A picnic table will be where people can come and have breakfast, lunch, or dinner with Jesus. A space to write and dream. The path continues through the long tunnel of existing cedar trees toward the cross, which stands at the highest point of the church property. A bench sits right below the cross. Looking one way, the participant sees forgiveness and grace. Turning and looking the other way, the participant sees the world. The participant begins to make their way back to the world. Different and changed because of the journey.


Pastor Craig and Kevin Schluckebier, the architect who created the master plan for the church grounds and designed our original building, laid out the path, benches, rocks, and some of the tree locations. A landscape designer, Sheila Schrader, created the final design, including plants, shrubs, additional trees, and other features. The three worked in collaboration with the following values in mind: beauty, community, sustainability, and innovation.

Mostly. Depending on the money raised, some cuts may have to be made. We are also not anticipating putting shade structures on the patio area on the northwest side of the building. The water feature is not included at this time.

Nearly 100. Many are from the Bible. Others are native to eastern Nebraska

The plantings are designed to be low maintenance. We anticipate volunteers will adopt areas and form a community of caretakers. We contract the care of of our natural areas. This budget was increased in 2024 to support additional hours for the professional oversight of the prayer path.

Depending on funding, yes. We are planning meaningful opportunities for people to walk the path in the evening or before sunrise and would also like the path to be visible at night from Harrison Street.

Exactly a quarter of a mile.

Like all other areas in the park, the prayer path is funded through donations outside the church budget. For information on how to financially participate, review the last few pages of this brochure.

WE hope the benches, rocks, and trees will be installed in April and May. Most of the plantings will happen in May and June.


The offering for the prayer path will begin on Palm Sunday, March 24th, and end the week of Sunday, April 7th. The goal is to raise $150,000 in three weeks. This will be the largest special offering The Water’s Edge has taken. The 2023 Christmas Eve offering to Bridges Out of Poverty of $90,000 is our largest to date. The Nicaragua offering in 2023 of $80,000 is our second largest.

This offering is an opportunity to invest in our church, our community, and God’s Kingdom. The prayer path will be a sacred space where amazing things happen and a beautiful place that will glorify God and connect people to God.

Future Special Offerings

The other special offerings that will happen in 2024 are our yearly Nicaragua offering in August and the Season of Giving (Thanksgiving, Project Wee Care, and Christmas Eve) in November and December.

One-Third of the Way To Our Goal

One of our families has made a $50,000 gift to make the prayer path a reality. This couple’s generosity has us one-third of the way to our goal. The rest of us, together, will hopefully achieve and exceed our goal.

What if WE exceed our goal?

A significant part of the prayer path not included in this campaign is an amphitheater next to the patio, between the west side of the church and the sand volleyball courts. The grading and the concrete pad were completed in 2023. The amphitheater will be named after AJ Sandoval, our worship leader from 2006 until he passed away in 2022. AJ loved music, prayer, and the outdoors. This will be an amazing space for worship, concerts, and kids/youth ministry. The remaining cost of the amphitheater is estimated to be $50,000. Any excess funds will be put toward the completion of the amphitheater.

Pray about financially supporting the prayer path.

One great way to do this is to walk the prayer path. Read through the pages of this brochure. And then make your investment:

1. Online. Use the pull-down menu “Prayer Path”.

2. You can give by check at the church on Sundays at worship or during the week. Put “Prayer Path” in the memo of your check.

3. You can give appreciated stock—email for instructions.

4. If you are over 72, a gift to the prayer path is an efficient and great way to take your required minimum distribution—email for more information.

“Our heart is restless, until it finds rest in You.”

-St. Augustine